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The RCBF is proud to partner with ABVI - The Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired of Greater Rochester to offer free vision screenings for pre-schoolers aged 6 months to five years at this year's festival on Nov. 4th. This quick, non-invasive, non-verbal screening can detect vision defects normally not caught until children are school aged.

Did you know . . . ? • One in every four school-aged children has an undetected vision problem? • Undetected vision problems in children can lead to blindness? • Parents, teachers and primary care doctors cannot detect most vision problems? • Vision problems can cause impairment in learning and developing in school? • Most vision problems are treatable if detected early enough?

Early Vision Screening (EVS), a program of the Association for the Blind & Visually Impaired (ABVI) provides FREE vision screenings!

• Using a device that works like a camera, measurements are taken of the eyes without any physical contact. • Using picture cards, eye charts, or eye drops are not necessary. • The device works on children as young as 6-months old. • The screening literally takes seconds and yields immediate and accurate results.

If your child is found with a vision problem we will know right away. You will be referred to an eye doctor near you for a comprehensive eye examination. Free eye exams can be scheduled for families without medical insurance.

A vision screening can help prevent vision loss for your child in the future!

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